Monday 15 December 2014

HOMEWORK CENTRE A REALITY! - The Catholic Opinion - December 14, 2014

One evening, I was walking around the property of St Theresa's Catholic Church in Annotto Bay soon after I was appointed as the pastor in 2011. I discovered that some school children were sitting on our church corridor doing their homework. I spoke to them for a while and realised that they needed a convenient place to do their homework.

I always believed that education was the only way that our children could empower themselves to fight poverty. I, therefore, decided to build a homework centre: a place where the kids could go, after school, and have internet access, as well as volunteer teachers from our parish to assist them with their school work.

I approached Food For The Poor through our Archbishop, the Most Reverend Charles Dufour. Thanks to his blessing and Food For The Poor's generosity, St Theresa's Catholic Church now has a facility to assist the school children of the entire community of Annotto Bay and its environs. Our sincere appreciation to our Archbishop and Food For The Poor for making this dream a reality!

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